Turf Medic LLC

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  3. Turf Medic LLC
13842 Mercersburg Rd., Greencastle, Pennsylvania, United States 17225

Nestled in the heart of Greencastle, PA, Turf Medic LLC is your trusted partner for maintaining a lush and vibrant lawn. Our comprehensive lawn care services are designed to nourish and beautify your outdoor space, regardless of the season. With specialized lawn fertilization programs, we ensure optimal nutrient balance for your grass, resulting in a dense, rich green turf. But that's not all - we also offer expert weed control solutions to keep pesky intruders at bay, giving your lawn the clean, manicured look it deserves. In addition to our fertilization prowess, our pest control service is second-to-none; protecting your beloved greens from unwanted critters effectively. We understand that aeration can be vital for soil health – fear not, as our lawn aeration service ensures adequate oxygen reaches the roots of your grass. Rounding out our services is overseeding - essential for achieving that desired thick and luxuriant carpet of grass. Choose Turf Medic LLC for a beautiful Greencastle lawn year-round.

Contact Information
Phone: 301-733-3633

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